How to improve your score - chipping.
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Learning golf online - chipping

The wrists:

As a teacher, I will help my students with the finished part of the stroke where the emphasis is on letting the hands lead the clubhead through the contact of the ball at impact, as shown in the image above.

I do not want my students to break (bend) their wrists at the contact of the ball at impact, as shown in the image above.

Practice and learn these motions above and your accuracy will improve dramatically. 

It should feel almost like your arms, wrists and grip are welded together, working as one unit. The next time you practice or play the game, focus on the follow-through of the swing, as shown in the images above.

Even though this is a short swing, you always want to accelerate the clubhead through the ball.

These positions will promote a pendulum swing (straight back to straight through motions). 

The chipping drill.

The chipping drill:

Hold two clubs together, as shown in the image above.

Make your stroke from 7 o’clock to 5 o’clock without breaking (bending) your wrists. If you are breaking your wrists, the extra club will hit you on your side.

Do not worry about holding the club correctly. The main idea is to be passive (still) with your wrists (keeping arms, wrists and clubs straight).

This drill has helped many golfers improve their chipping.

drill on a tablet.

When close to the putting green, make sure you position yourself where your hands are close to your body. Bring your hands lower on the club. This helps you to be closer to the ball, therefore, helping you to achieve a straight back and straight forward swing.

From 7 o’clock to 5 o’clock is a very short swing. When executing this shot, you are not to break (bend) your wrists, as shown in the images above.

Does club selection matter when executing your chip shot?

Which club should be used when chipping?

Yes it matters. Which club should be used?

How do we determine the club selection during the game?
You may chip with any club but I prefer from a #5 iron to a wedge. You may use a less lofted (definition of the lofted club) (lower number) club, the farther you are from the hole.

You can see I have 5 clubs resting against my leg. I will use the more lofted club (definition of the lofted club) (higher number) when the hole is closer to me, as shown in the image above.

Different size irons.

As the distance from the hole increases, I will drop down to a less lofted (definition of the lofted club) (lower number) club, as explained in examples below:
15 feet, I will use a sand wedge;
25 feet, I will use a pitching wedge;
35 feet, I will use a #9 iron;
45 feet, I will use a #8 iron; and
55 + feet, I will use a #7 iron.

I will always try to use the same stroke (5 o’clock to 7 o’clock swing) for this chip shot. I will change clubs as the distance changes. I prefer to trust my stroke to reach the desired distance, as shown in the image above.


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