How to improve your game.
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Teachinggolfonline.com is a new innovative way to learn golf at your own speed and at the location of your choice.

Teaching Golf Online "The 5 Swing Golf Program" ebook.

SWING GOLF PROGRAM” includes all my ebooks which are 1, 2, 3 and 4 together with plan your game, strategies, plan to practice, index of links and table of contents.

All ebooks are now downloadable on all devices such as watches, tablets, phones, and computers.

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2. The queen method:

The queen method.

Golf and chess:

Now that you are aware of how distance is important in golf, let’s see if we can use this information to your advantage. 

Every hole should be planned out as to how you will play it using your little black book. It is simply a matter of starting with the right club. This club will position you in a favorable area for your second shot, and so on. 

Comparing the golf game to the game of chess, you want to place yourself in a good position to beat your opponent. In golf, the golf course is your opponent, no one else, not even the players you are playing with. The player who has the lowest score at the end of the game wins the game.

How will you play your next shot? Which club will you use? Will you be tempted to take your driver, like most players, at the start of a par 4 hole or will you play strategically, using the risk or the safe method?

Your favorite club:

Your favorite club.

I am not a chess player but I do know that the queen is the most powerful piece in the game of chess. It can move in any direction. If you lose your queen in the game, you are at a disadvantage. 

Which club in your golf bag represents the queen? Which club do you feel most comfortable with? Which club can you hit successfully, 9 times out of 10? Identify this club and plan your game using this club, as often as possible, during your game. 

My club of preference is my #8 iron. I can hit a ball 145 yards onto a putting green, 9.5 times out of 10.

It is your job to find out which club is your queen? Everyone has a club they seem to hit better than others. Find it, use it and let me show you how to hit your favorite club, as often as you can during your game, as shown in the image below.

Picture of the course.


I will often calculate backward to figure out which club I will use at the start of the hole. Refer to the example below.

Hole #8 is 350 yards in length.

350 (length of course) – 145 (to the target) = 205 yards (First shot).

I will use the #4 iron in order to reach a distance of 205 yards. My second shot will be with my favorite club (#8 iron) in order to reach my 145-yard target, as shown in the image above.


Perfect gift - Ebook "5 swing golf program".

This affordable “5 Swing Golf Program” will make a beautiful gift for anyone on any occasion.

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Wish to learn more about the game, now is the time to CLICK HERE to purchase this affordable program. You will not regret it.

This program consists of lots of information on golf together with educational drills, images, and videos at a 75% discount. This affordable price is $49.95.

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