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Teaching Golf Online "The 5 Swing Golf Program" ebook.

SWING GOLF PROGRAM” includes all my ebooks which are 1, 2, 3 and 4 together with plan your game, strategies, plan to practice, index of links and table of contents.

All ebooks are now downloadable on all devices such as watches, tablets, phones, and computers.

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Sand Play.

Different hazards:

Different hazards.

Different hazards: 

PLEASE NOTE: You are not allowed to ground your club in any hazard areas which includes the following:

  1. Red steaks or red line (lateral water hazard), as  shown in the image above;
  2. Yellow steaks or yellow line (water hazard), as shown in the image above; and
  3. Bunker (sand bunker), as shown in the image below.

When the margin of a water hazard is defined by a line on the ground, the line itself is in the water hazard. A ball is in a water hazard when it lies in or any part of it touches the water hazard.

Taking your stance in the bunker:

Taking your stance in the bunker.

When executing the bunker shot, without touching the sand with your club, place your feet in an open stance turned more to the left of your target. Position the ball opposite the left heel to promote hitting the sand behind the ball, as shown in the image above.

Two vertical lines on the clubhead:

Two vertical lines on the clubhead.

Before placing your hands on your club, make sure the two vertical lines on your clubhead are pointing to the right of your target. 

The letter ā€Vā€ will be created with the clubhead open and your feet open, as shown in the image above.

This set up provides added loft and prevents the clubhead from closing and digging in the sand. 

Use the flange to make your shot:

Use the flange to make your shot.

Before gripping your club, you should turn your clubface slightly to the right in order to make sure that the two vertical lines on your clubface are pointing to the right of your target, as shown in the image above and above. This is called ”Open your clubface”.

Use your flange, as shown in yellow on the club.

Opening the clubface is pointing the two vertical lines of the clubhead to the right of your target.

Use the flange, as shown in yellow in the image above in order to produce the bunker shot?

IF YOU OPEN YOUR CLUB FACE, the player will use the flange of the club (sand wedge), indicated by the yellow line in the image above. The flange will bounce on the sand taking just the right amount of sand to produce a good shot.

IF YOU DO NOT OPEN YOUR CLUB FACE, the player will use the leading edge, indicated by the red line in the image above. The leading edge of the club will dig into the sand taking too much sand and leaving the ball in the sand. 

The opening of the clubface will help you use the club (sand wedge) as it is meant to be used. Using the flange of the club (sand wedge) will produce the bouncing effect you need in order to execute your shot.


Perfect gift - Ebook "5 swing golf program".

This affordable “5 Swing Golf Program” will make a beautiful gift for anyone on any occasion.

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Wish to learn more about the game, now is the time to CLICK HERE to purchase this affordable program. You will not regret it.

This program consists of lots of information on golf together with educational drills, images, and videos at a 75% discount. This affordable price is $49.95.

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About the author

We are new Amazon Sellers working to find new innovative quality products for our customers in order to help improve their lives. Being a family business, we hope that you will put your trust in us so we can provide you with this service. We stand behind our products!
Claude and Michelle

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